SWG Legends news // *The Life Day Paradox*

There once was a being that lived in a galaxy far, far away. Out of the trillions of beings that made their home among the stars, there was nothing particularly special about this one on first glance. They wouldn't turn your head as you walked down the street, nor were their accomplishments a blip on the radar to some. Ah, but there are those who know better! For THIS being... this being was truly remarkable. Because unknown to the rest of the galaxy, this being was living the greatest story ever told.
- The Narrator

A mysterious entity has made their presence known this Life Day. Known only as the Narrator, this entity seems to relish the attention lavished upon it as citizens gather to hear its fantastical Life Day tales. The being is indeed a masterful storyteller, enthralling the galaxy whenever it turns up with stories that capture the delight and grandeur of the holiday season.
But not all is well. There are reports of the Narrator's stories coming alive and running wild! From Wayfar to Kashyyyk, literary dreams have turned the festivities from quaint to bizarre as holiday creations are let loose upon the real world. Not even the once pristine halls of Theed Palace are safe: Queen Kylantha has been sending distress calls to able adventurers willing to assist in clearing the magnificent building.
And among all this chaos... here you stand. The Narrator might be a master of its craft, but yours is the greatest story ever told. Now is the time to add to your legend. Will you be the one to save Life Day?