SWG Legends news // *SWG Legends Player Spotlight: Kandy*

Main Character Name:
Player Association:
Founder of Crusaders of Rejects [CoRs]
Where in the RL world do you live?
Upstate New York, east coast best coast!
How long did you play the live version of Star Wars Galaxies?
Officially got my own account in 2005 until the end in 2011, I remember watching my pop play in 2004 and finally asked for my own!
What type of work do you do?
Charge Entry Coder for an Orthopedic Facility plus side is I get to work from home. On the side I am in the music industry with both engineering & producing as well as a Discord Moderator.
What does a typical Star Wars Galaxies day consist of for you?
This is a difficult one as I tend to do too much as my guild members say haha. I'm always on Discord so I can be interactive throughout the day. First I check guild orders to get those done for folks and then check on my 3 cities to ensure all is well there. For the remainder of the evening I tend to either be running group content, PvP, crafting, or getting into some sort of deco project.
What was the race and profession of your very first character?
KandyKane was a hot pink Twi'lek Dancer
What is the one thing you’ve always wanted to be in Star Wars Galaxies that isn’t or is no longer?
If I could choose one thing -- I would have to go with Kamino because adventuring through Tipoca would be a dream come true!
What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other than playing Star Wars Galaxies?
When I'm not in SWG you'll find me in the gym most times, health and wellness has been a huge part of my life for about 7-8 years. Otherwise I enjoy going to markets, hiking, painting, creating music and always up for those hole in the wall restaurants as I'm a foodie!
What race and profession is your main character?
KandyKane is a human Domestics Trader as I've become quite the crafter main these days.
What do you like most about the profession you have chosen for your main character?
I thoroughly enjoy the crafting system that SWG has, you don't find many games that have the same type of system. It's in depth and tends to have quite a few moving pieces, plus it gives me something to work on during my lazy days.
What faction is your main character?
For the Rebellion!
What is your favorite player owned ship?
I'd have to go with the Vigo Gunboat as it's where a lot of CoRs come together for various space groups. You can't pass up the hologram on the inside, it's just too nifty!
What is your favorite ground vehicle?
Mecho Chair -- Only thing missing is being able to fish from it like the Hover Chair!
How did you choose your main character's name?
Honestly, I initially picked the name when I was 12 and it just stuck with me ever since.
What is your favorite planet and/or city and why?
Mustafar, hands down my favorite planet! The music and mysteriousness of it just draws me in.
What is your favorite NPC?
The Rebel NPC in Hoth that says "But I also cook!" because why not?
What are the most credits you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?
I can't say I've spent much on myself in all honesty, I tend to buy for others or use my credits towards in game raffles and events. A lot of the items I have were gifts from other players or looted.
What do you like best about SWG Legends?
I like that it's always growing, always new content or additions in the works. It keeps things fresh and fun. Even though it can take some time to implement, it gives folks something to look forward to.
Describe your best experience playing Star Wars Galaxies.
Best experience I've had is when I ran 4 full groups tandem through Jedi Themepark. Just seeing everyone work together and accomplish it was unreal. Had a few good laughs along the way too!
What is your favorite questline and/or place within Star Wars Galaxies and why?
Champion of Mustafar because it lets you pick and choose which ones you do once full keyed. Plus I mean who doesn't like being called a "Meatbag"?

Thanks you Kandy for taking the time to answer our questions. It was a pleasure getting to know a little about you.
You can find a complete list of previous Player and Staff Spotlights by clicking the link here.