SWG Legends news // *Staff Spotlight - Vincer*

Staff Handle Name?
What is your position on the Legends Staff?
I am part of the Events and Social Media team.

What do you do for the project SWG Legends?
There are many things to do on the Events team. From running the social media platforms, posting and running contests, building player spotlights, writing Friday Features, and most of all: planning and running live events!
How did you come to possess these skills, education or self taught?
A little of both. My design and illustration training accounts for the skills needed to create artwork for banners and features. But my many years as a gamemaster for various tabletop RPGs have helped me with creative writing, organization, dialogue, and ideas for live events.

Describe your typical day supporting Legends.
I start by checking Discord to see if there’s anything specific to events. I’ll check other channels for anything I can help with or just to say hello, especially to any new players. I also frequent the social platforms to see what’s going on there.
After that, there’s a variety of tasks depending on what’s needed. It might be a Friday Feature to write, a home show to announce, or maybe it’s time to collect questions for the next community transmission.
And even when not in front of the PC, I’m thinking of new ideas for live events.
There’s never a dull moment in the Events team!

What do you think your greatest contribution has been to Legends?
There are many rewarding aspects to being on staff. I’m proud of the variety of events I’ve managed to run. My favorite has been the “Meet Saun Dann” event that’s happened the past two Life Days. Watching everyone queue in front of the toymaker with their toy parts to exchange for prizes is really something special for me. It’s the culmination of a series of events that leads up to it and I think it captures the holiday spirit. Meeting Saun Dann seems to bring out the best in everyone.
What would the other staff at Legends say to this; “Describe Vincer.”
I’d like to think they see me as reliable and even-tempered; someone they can look to for help whenever they need and count on to represent the project well no matter what. But they probably just think of me as that Gen X guy who can’t stop talking about how things were like “back in the day”.
What they actually said:
"Thanks Vincer" - CSR Beta
"Vincer is an exceptionally high character personality and just an all around pleasure to be around. He's incredibly thorough, detail oriented, and has a very keen eye and talent for design. He's an asset to the Events & Social Media team and someone this project and community is lucky to have!" - Events Walmahrt
"Besides his sexy, deep voice, Vincer brings a wealth of knowledge about the SWG to the Events Team. He's an extremely positive and fun person to be with and he always leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling after chatting with him. Looking forward to working with him for many more years!" - Dev Reign
"It is great having Vincer on staff! He is a super helpful to the players and is willing to lend out assistance in game, discord and social media. He arranges and manages fun events and activities for the players to enjoy, can write a mean Friday Feature and coordinates all those home shows! Beyond all of that, he is such a positive force on the team and a great friend! Thank you VinCSR!!" - CSR Kelkel
"Vincer is one of the most relaxed and community focused members on the team. I think what stands out the most about him (aside from just being awesome) is his passion for the SWG:Legends community. When he's not running an event in game, you will often find him on the forums, in discord, or reddit answering questions and just offering a helping hand. He truly is an asset to the team, and I absolutely love having him around. Great work Vincer!!!" - Admin Lokee
"Vincer has been one of the best things to happen to the Events team over the entire time I have been on it. He's a hard worker, a dedicated staff member, and a genuinely wonderful person. It is my belief that his joining the team lead to a direct improvement of the server overall." - Event Muhen
What has been the most difficult thing you’ve done supporting Legends?
It’s sometimes a challenge to balance events so that everyone can contribute. Believe me, we don’t want events to turn into a slideshow with lag, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. If we schedule events in advance, it’s almost a surefire bet that the performance will take a hit. If we just run a random pop-up, the performance is better but it might mean some players miss the opportunity. We do try our best to balance between the types and at different times.
How often do you actually get to play SWG?
I login every day to check on my shop, city, and ranch.

What is your favorite thing to do in game?
I enjoy running a shop and the city it is in. Both are complex systems (especially crafting) and the immersion that comes with both inspires me. I like finding new ways in both systems to make things interesting not just for me but for customers and citizens.
When did you start playing SWG, and describe that experience?
After following the game development for a long while, I was ecstatic to receive a beta invite from SOE. Having never played an MMO before, I had no preconceived notions.
After getting out of a very basic tutorial area, I chose Theed to be my starting location. Seeing other players running around in real time was an experience I’ll never forget. It truly felt like I had taken my first steps into a larger world. Somehow a flying creature - a Peko Peko I’d later learn - had gotten into the area in front of the starport. Others were shooting at it, so I did too.
From there, I set out exploring. Just the ability to go where I wanted was enough to be entertaining. That was, until a shaupaut decided I was delicious. When I tell you it chased me for a kilometer, I am not exaggerating. Likely it was three times that distance once all the “running in circles” was measured. I can’t recall how it all went down but it ended in me learning where the cloning center was.
Good times. 10/10, would clone again.

Thank you Vincer for all that you do for the team, as well as taking some time to answer these questions!
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