SWG Legends news // September 2023 Galactic Homeshow Winner

Greetings Legends! It is once again time to crown a Galactic Homeshow winner!
Hot on the heels of the super competitive July edition, the contest heated up even more this month with 10 entries! Our eagle-eyed judges took a look at every house and nook to find the one entry that separated itself from the competition! This one truly floated above all of the others! We would be honored if you would join us as we announce the top vote getter who will surely be on cloud nine after this!
Congratulations to @Kimaria for being named the winner with their City in the Clouds. From the initial elevator ride, all the way up to the Senate Chamber on the highest level and everywhere in between, it was clear as a blue sky that this was no mere home but an entire city! Perhaps you fancy a walk in a garden gazebo? Or maybe you're thirsty for a drink (it works every time)! It could be that you're a galactic being of culture and would like to browse the arts. This is a site that offers that and more! Just don't misbehave! Security is on site and you'll not want to be taken to an "interrogation" room that's tucked away from prying eyes. (And for good reason)
@Kimaria - be sure to reach out to a member of the Event Staff (Muhen, Cristina, or Vincer) to claim your prizes!

But do not take OUR word for it. Go up and see for yourself! Turn your waypoints to /way Rori 6164 -827 and have a look! If you just cannot wait, well just look below at only a few of the really amazing sites that helped soar this structure to new heights for September!

If you would like to see all of the entries from this latest contest, check out the submission thread found RIGHT HERE!
While we are sure that those who did not win might feel a little sad, but to them we say: take heart! There's always another competition right around the corner. Several of our winners of the past were repeat submitters (including this months winner!). The field of entries changes every month, so one never knows when theirs will be the best of the bunch. So do not fear because...
Wait... "fear"? Oh yes... that reminds us!
Stay tuned for a NEW Galactic Homeshow for the month of October! This one will have a very special, spooky theme associated with it. Enter the competition... if you DARE!!!
May the Force Be With You!
The SWG:Legends Team

Looking for even more homeshow houses? Check out our winner masterthread RIGHT HERE!