SWG Legends news // July 2023 Galactic Homeshow Winner

Attention Legends! The judges have rallied and completed their tour of Galactic Homeshow entries! As you all may remember, this was a special edition of the contest. Not only did it have an Empire Day theme, but it also came with a special in-game trophy; the likes of which has never been seen before! Let us not delay any further as we announce the winner of this prestigious prize for being selected the winner of the July 2023 Galactic Homeshow - Empire Day Edition!
The judges visited each of the 13 entrants to see what they each brought to the battle for the top spot. After much deliberation, discussion, and debate, the judges agreed that one structure stood out from the rest of the field!
Congratulations go out to @Quann for being selected the winner with Civil War Wax Museum! This wonderful entry showcases some of the important moments from the movies that started it all that really were important during the Galactic Civil War!
@Quann - be sure to reach out to a member of the Event Staff (Vincer, Muhen, Cristina or Walmahrt) to claim your prizes!

If you want to see this structure in person (and we highly suggest you do!) turn yourself towards Civil War Wax Museum and have a look! In the meanwhile, you can get a small taste of the success by checking out just a few of the pictures below.

If you would like to see all of the entries from this latest contest, check out the submission thread found RIGHT HERE!
It is always an honor to visit all of the wonderful creations that get entered month after month. If you entered and did not win, do not feel discouraged. Several of our winners were not first-time entrants. They kept at it, kept coming back, and finally took the top honor. We hope you will do the same! Keep watching all of our platforms for when the next opportunity presents itself. We can't wait to see what you have in store! (or hangar, or bunker, or... )
May the Force Be With You!
The SWG:Legends Team

Looking for even more homeshow houses? Check out our winner masterthread RIGHT HERE!