SWG Legends news // *Friday Feature - Reconsidering your Role!*

Happy Friday (or whatever day you're reading this on) Legends!
While you're out adventuring the galaxy, do you ever get the feeling that you didn't pick the right class? Maybe you made a trader to make weapons, but realized that clothing is where you passion is. Perhaps your battle hardened bounty hunter wants to retire into a life of dancing and music? Maybe it's just time for a change! No need to delete your character and start over, there's an in game solution for you!

How do I change my class?

Enter our Profession Counselor! This friendly folk can be found at a few spots around the galaxy offering their services to any wayward adventurer. They will greet you with a friendly wave and an offer of services right away! If you've never used their services before, you are given one free profession change, simply agree to their terms! You'll be immediately prompted with the class choice menu. Simply choose your new class and it's that easy!

The counselor stands out in a crowd.

There are 4 counselors around the galaxy to help you out:
  • Mos Eisley, Tattooine: 3532 -4788
  • Theed, Naboo: -4821 4140
  • Coronet, Corellia: -129 -4758
  • Legends Cantina, Bespin: 505 -130

Each can be found near the entrance to the starport of the city, minus the Bespin counselor, who is on the ground floor of the Legends cantina.

What do I need to consider?

Thought the process is as painless as can be, there are a few things to consider when going to change your class. Firstly, the cost. Each time you change your class with the counselor the price will increase. The first one is free, but the second is 100k credits, then 150k, then 250k, and so on. There is some good news to this though! On the first of the month after changing your class the price will be stepped down by one. Meaning if it costs you 250k to change class, it will then cost 150k. If it only costs you 100k, then after the first your class change will be free again! What a bargain!

All the prices as listed by our Wiki!

Another important factor to consider is experience. You will lose all current progression you have to the next level if you change class (though you will not drop in level!). However more importantly is knowing that similar classes share levels. What does that mean you might ask? Well dear reader, all combat classes (medic, bounty hunter, jedi, etc) will all retain their levels as you change between them. So your level 48 Jedi will become a level 48 bounty hunter. This is not true of entertainers and traders, who have their own levels. A level 90 entertainer will not transfer those levels to any other class, and same for trader, though a trader will retain their levels if you choose to change what type of trader you are! It's also important to note that any levels you gain on a character will be maintained if you do swap to and from combat classes to non-combat classes! That means that if you are a level 57 smuggler, change class to an entertainer, level your entertainer to 90, and then change class to a commando, you will be level 57 again, as that is the level you achieved with a combat class. If you change that character's class back to an entertainer, they will be level 90 again!
A last important tip is that you will not be granted any items you would normally be given through leveling. Make sure that you can afford to outfit yourself for your new class. If you swap off Jedi to a spy, you're going to have to buy armor and a gun, as spies can't use lightsabers of course!

Anything else?

The counselors also offer the ability to reset your expertise points, if you like what you're doing, but want to change up how you're doing it! You get a number of free expertise resets, however after those free ones this service will only increase in price, and does not get cheaper over time like the profession change does!

We hope this Friday Feature was of help to you in learning new ways to make the Galaxy yours! If you're interested in other Friday Features, check out our master list HERE!
Topic look familiar? We're updating some old Features with new information and a cleaner look. The original article can be found HERE