SWG Legends news // *Friday Feature: Read All About It!*

It's a big galaxy out there, Legends. Do you ever wish the information you need was right at your fingertips? Tired of minimizing your game to quickly look up patch notes? Wondering where the player event in the galaxy broadcast you just read is happening? What if I told you there's a way to do all that without ever leaving the game? That's right, with Newsnet Terminals you can connect with what you need without ever leaving the game window. In today's Friday Feature, we'll showcase where you can find them and what they do!

News YOU can use!
Let's first quickly go over what Newsnet Terminals are. Newsnet Terminals are kiosks in major cities that you can use to look up the latest happenings on SWG: Legends! You can find them in the starports of all major NPC cities on Tatooine, Naboo and Corellia. They're in the main room where the Starship and Ticket terminals are, though exact locations in that room can differ slightly.

A Newsnet terminal in its natural habitat: a starport. You'll have something to read on the way to your next adventure!

Here's just a few things you might find on Newsnet terminals:
  • The latest patch notes and important notices from the SWG: Legends team.
  • Notices for recurring events (Such as the Homeshow)
  • Notices about galactic events. These notices also often come with waypoints for easy navigation to the action. Just grab the attachment as you would in a mail message and go! Popup events (or events that are held spontaneously) are not able to be placed on the newsnet in time for publishers to get them to you, but any scheduled events surely will be!

Newsnet Terminals are updated on Mondays and Fridays with the scheduled server restarts. Be sure to check out the terminals after restart to see if there's anything new! You never know what you might find.

Stay Connected!
Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, it does! Not only can you read about all the latest events and news in the galaxy, you can also read any forum posts you find linked right in the game window. Simply press the button on the lower left hand corner that says "View on swglegends.com" and it will open up a browser window in the game to take you right to the post.

An in game browser that leads you right to the link in the Newsnet? Heck yeah!

More good news: the browser isn't just limited to the Newsnet! You can bring up the in game browser at any time by typing /browser into your chat bar. No more tabbing out to look at stuff in the Wiki, at last!

Uniting the Galaxy
Here at SWG: Legends, we're all about keeping you informed and in the know. It can seem daunting out there, but we hope that the Newsnet Terminal feature is a way for you to stay in touch with the galaxy and with your fellow adventurers! From learning about the latest updates to finding when and where the next event is, why not stop by a Newsnet today?
We'll see you in the galaxy, Legends!
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