SWG Legends news // *EFOL 2024 - Hate Actually*

"Kadaara was only the beginning!" - Mr. Hate, actually
Mr. Hate has turned his ire on cities beyond Kadaara! He seeks to spread his message of hate and despair to every living being in the galaxy! Nowhere is safe! Can you respond in time to stop his assault?
  • Type: PVE
  • When: Various times throughout EFOL

Watch for in-game announcements and clues to locate when and where Mr. Hate will attack! You will have limited time to locate his hate-fueled minions before all hope is lost, and with it, an important city full of innocents! To win the day, embrace the season: join with your fellow adventurers to turn back these paragons of despair! What better way to defeat such pure hatred than with the bonds of friendship and love for one another?

Tracking the Assault
Watch this space for updates on when and where Mr. Hate has attacked! Is there a method to his madness or does he even hate orderly plans?
Current State: No assaults reported