SWG Legends news // *EFOL 2024 - Everyone's Invited*

"Would you join us for a little refreshment? Everyone's invited, of course" - Lando Calrissian
As the Ewok Festival of Love winds down, the Baron Administrator of Cloud City, Lando Calrissian invites you to join in on a dance celebration in the Legends Club Cantina in Cloud City. All you need to do is bring yourself - and maybe dress the part! Lando does appreciate a well-dressed patron of his establishment! You are also advised to wear comfortable shoes as the urge to dance may be irresistible! We hope to see you all there!
Event Type: Social
Location: /way bespin 500 -135 Legends Club Cantina (POI) next to the Cloud City Spaceport
Event Time/Date: See below
Event Rules:
  • Dress in reds, whites, and/or pinks
  • Keep large pets stored, please (Lando just had the floors polished)
  • Wearing a cape is VERY encouraged!

When Does the Event Start?
View the chart below to see when the event time is for these timezones:
[Note] You may use this helpful time converter to find the correct time for your time zone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html