SWG Legends news // *Community Update: A Message From Discord*

Greetings, Legends!
We're sorry to interrupt the May 4th fun, but we had a quick message that we felt needed to be shared with the rest of the Legends community here (in case some haven't been made aware of it) that use Discord. We wanted to also preface the important bits of this update with the fact that these changes come DIRECTLY FROM DISCORD, NOT SWG:LEGENDS.
Any issues or problems that should arise from these Discord changes should be taken up with the team at DISCORD.
[Links in the above image are provided below in descending order as they were presented in the original message]
Discord Community Guidelines: https://discord.com/guidelines
Discord Blog: https://discord.com/blog/usernames
Discord Help Center Article: https://dis.gd/usernames

Just to reiterate once more, these changes are entirely by the team at Discord, so any questions/concerns should be escalated straight to the great people at Discord. We merely wanted to pass this message along to all of you.
May the Force be with you,
The SWG:Legends Team