SWG Legends news // *April 2024 - Player Spotlight Nominations*

Hello Legends! Do you know someone in the community that has made a positive impact on you, your guild, or the community itself? We would love to hear about them and potentially feature them the next edition of the Community Transmission, the official newsletter of SWG Legends!
Just follow a few simple guidelines and answer a couple questions so that we can consider them for the Player Spotlight!
Nomination Guidelines
We are sure there are a LOT of people you may want to nominate, but please limit yourself to just one nomination at this time. There will be opportunities throughout the year (and beyond) for you to nominate others.
The nominated player...
  • ... must be on an active account in good standing
  • ... must not be a current staff member or staff intern
  • ... must not have been a previous Player Spotlight
  • ... will be required to agree to the nomination and (if applicable) selection. (You are encouraged to check with them first!)

How to Nominate
Once you have someone in mind, respond to this thread with the following:
  • What is the forum handle and/or Discord handle of your nomination?
  • How do you know the nominee?
  • How has the nominee contributed positively to SWG Legends and why should they be featured in a spotlight?

When to Nominate
Please submit your nominations before the following deadline.

[Note] You may use this helpful time converter to find the correct time for your time zone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

What Happens Next?
After nominations are in, the staff will review for inclusion in the next Community Transmission. Space is limited, but we will try our best to get in as many as feasible. We will also reach out to those selected in order to get a few additional questions answered and maybe a picture or two that represents who they are in the game (their characters, decorations, pets, or anything else they would like to share).
Once we have collected responses from selected player(s), start looking ahead to the next Community Transmission to see who made it in!

Post your nomination below using the formatted questions above.
You MAY "second" a nomination with a brief statement explaining "why"
Do NOT use this thread for discussion. Such posts WILL be removed!

We believe this system will be help to spotlight more of our amazing players than ever before by putting the power into YOUR hands to shine the bright lights onto deserving community members. We look forward to seeing who you nominate and cannot wait to share the results with the larger community.
May the Force Be With You,
SWG Legends Staff