SWG Legends news // SWG:Legends Reporting Tool and Policy Updates

Greetings Legends!
The entire SWG:Legends Staff would like to take this opportunity to let you, the community, know that we have listened to your concerns and your feedback, and that we are actively working towards keeping SWG:Legends a safe, fair, and fun environment for ALL players. With that we have four announcements that we would like to make:
1: Players will now have the ability report harassment using an in-game command. By using the command /report Player Name, a ticket will automatically be generated in our new support system on your behalf, and the previous 10 minutes of chat logs will automatically be uploaded to the ticket.
2: All policies, to include the Terms of Service, Code of Conduct, Privacy Policies, Account Policies, and Infraction Guidelines are being reviewed. Once a policy has been reviewed and updated (as needed) by the SWG:Legends Staff, it will be passed on to the Senate for review before being finally published. We will then continue to review all policies annually.
3: SWG:Legends will be becoming an Official Discord Community in the very near future. This is going to lead to some very unique opportunities for the entire community, and give us another platform to better reach you, the SWG:Legends Community. This leads us directly to our next point...
4: The SWG:Legends Discord policy had been updated, and is being posted on the forums and in its own Discord Channel for visibility by all. The Discord policy is being completely separated from the code of conduct, has been cleaned up, and clear explanations about the types of actions staff can take are clearly laid out. The Discord policy can be found at this link https://swglegends.com/discord-policies.php an you can review the policy below:
The SWG:Legends Discord Policy is a set of guidelines that apply to conduct and behavior on the SWG:Legends Discord Server. We appreciate you taking the time to review these guidelines as they serve to provide a safe, fair and fun environment for all players.
These guidelines can change at sole discretion as necessary to best benefit the SWG:Legends community, and cultivate an atmosphere appropriate to the game and its gaming services. Despite our best efforts to detail the different sections with specific examples, there will always be areas that will be ultimately handled on a per incident basis by the Community Support Representatives (“CSR”). Even when not specified, SWG:Legends staff members have the sole right and final judgment of how to interpret and apply these rules and guidelines to any specific circumstance and situation. This includes the proper punishment or exception.
This SWG:Legends Discord Policy supplements the Terms of Service and the Code of Conduct. The consequences of violating these guidelines, including the revocation of your Account, are the same as for violations of the Terms of Service. Please see the Terms of Service for more detail.
  1. Users may not post, transmit, promote, or distribute content that is illegal or promote or encourage any illegal activity including hacking, cracking or distribution of counterfeit software. (See also “Mod, Hack and Cheat Prohibitions” below).
  2. Users may not upload or attempt to distribute files that contain viruses, corrupted data, or malicious software.
  3. Harassment is any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at a player or group. Users may not harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything to another player that is unwanted. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, and derogatory/hateful comments that are sexual, racial, religious, or related to gender, disabilities or creed. We operate a zero tolerance approach to harassment.
  4. Users may not create profile pictures, custom statuses, usernames, or otherwise transmit or facilitate distribution of any content that is harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, vulgar, sexually explicit, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, or objectionable in a reasonable person's view.
  5. “Trolling” is defined as creating discord (no pun intended) on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community, and is not allowed in the SWG:Legends Discord. Accounts created with the sole intent to “troll” will be immediately and permanently suspended. Constant personal attacks are also considered trolling.
  6. Users may not register an alternate account for the purpose of disobeying the rules to avoid punishment of your main account. Alternate accounts created for this purpose will be permanently removed from the Discord Server.
  7. Users may not register an alternate account to post when your main account is banned. These alternate accounts will be permanently removed from the Discord Server.
  8. Users may not impersonate another person (including celebrities), or falsely indicate that you are a member of the SWG:Legends staff.
  9. Users may not post messages for any purpose other than personal communication, including without limitation advertising or promotional messaging, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or other commercial activities. This includes advertising any other Star Wars Galaxies emulator or server communities.
  10. Users may not post or communicate any player’s real-world personal information within the Service using the SWG:Legends Discord Server. This includes photographs or memes that were created using another player's real life photo, even if the profile picture was used on another Social Media platform.
  11. Users may not disrupt the flow of chat with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, use of excessive posting in all capital letters in an attempt to disturb other users, “spamming” or flooding [posting repetitive text or pictures].
  12. Users may not discuss Real World political, sexual, or religious topics in the SWG:Legends Discord
  13. Profanity is not acceptable in communications within the SWG:Legends Discord Server.
  14. Messages deemed inappropriate to a particular channel in the SWG:Legends Discord, or violating any of the rules stated above, will be removed. Messages that have been removed are not to be re-posted.
  15. If you have to report any message on Discord, please contact a member of the SWG:Legends staff via Direct Message, or you may report the player directly to Discord.

When enforcing the SWG:Legends Discord Policy, SWG:Legends Staff may take any of the following steps at any time:
  • Asking you nicely to knock it off
  • Removal of posted content
  • Muting you for a period of time
  • Removal of privileges from, or adding restrictions to, accounts
  • Temporary suspension from the SWG:Legends Discord
  • Permanently removed from the SWG:Legends Discord

Violations of the Discord Policy do not incur traditional infraction points, however warnings will be placed on your forum accounts.
Although it looks like there are a lot of procedures and rules in place, most of these are common sense, and are meant as a safeguard to keep the SWG:Legends Discord server active and relevant for the community. Abusing the SWG:Legends Discord server affects everyone who enjoys this game, so we ask for your cooperation and your support in achieving and maintaining this goal. Suggestions to make this an even better place for our community are always welcome! You can DM any of the SWG:Legends staff members with your input and we will gladly review it for implementation.
Thank you for being part of this community and helping make it a safe, fair and fun environment for all of our players.
May the force be with you,
The SWG:Legends Team