SWG Legends news // September 2019 Galactic Homeshow Winner

Hello everyone,
September has come and almost gone, but with it came (as always) some truly special homes in our entries this month. September was one of our toughest months for judging. We thoroughly enjoyed so many of the entries and really hope that you all continue to work on your homes and keep entering. Unfortunately with how daunting the task always is, we could only choose one winner, but thank you all for giving us the opportunity to tour your abodes.
This September, our Galactic Homeshow Winner is @Brandox and their elaborately decorated Mustafarian Bunker located at /way 1491 -4221 corellia. It was truly quite a journey that captured many aspects of our galaxy and we hope you all can find the time to go visit to experience it yourself!
Congratulations to our winner! Please reach out to our Events Team (RoarAsh, Tallia, or Walmahrt) either here or on discord so we can get with you for your rewards!
If you're interested in viewing all of our September entries, please visit the following link here.
The screenshots don't do it enough justice, but here are a few anyway as requested!
May the force be with you,
SWG:Legends Staff
Do you want to view the whole list of Galactic Homeshow winners? We've collected them all right here for you. Hopefully someday YOU can make this list!