SWG Legends news // Community Update (9/7/20)

Greetings Legends,
Over the past six months, we have taken actions against quite a few player accounts in the game. The purpose of this post is to clear some of this information up.
Credit Selling:
We have been tracking the credit selling problem agressively over the last six months. We have had three different stings, and we were able to recoup 12,586,200,000 credits and items that were purchased with real money.
All accounts that transferred the credits or the items to the players were permanently banned from the server. All accounts that supplied the seller were also banned.
The following actions were taken against players that purchased credits:
First Offense: The credits were removed from the player, and a warning was placed against their account. If the credits were not available, items of equal value were taken.
Second Offense: The credits were removed from the player, and a 30 day ban was placed on the account. If the credits were not available, items of equal value were taken.
Third Offense: The account was permanently banned from the server.
1. Over the last month, accounts Eldermanpops, Esnaf (Iocipa), and Jastermareel used an exploit in the game that allowed them to generate a large amount of credits and high value loot.
They completed this exploit 567 times - 18 times on 8/8/2020, 66 times on 8/10/2020, 61 times on 8/12/2020, 42 times on 8/14/2020, 57 times on 8/15/2020, 59 times on 8/17/2020, 63 times on 8/18/2020, 56 times on 8/21/2020, 55 times on 8/25/2020, 33 times on 9/1/2020, and 57 times on 9/2/2020.
The punishment for this act was a 90 day in game ban, and the complete removal of all items from all involved accounts.
2. Account Anema used an exploit in the game that allowed him to generate billions of credits in a short period of time. This account was permananently banned from the server.
We would also like to take this oppertunity to remind each of you of our code of conduct which we have in place.
- The SWG:Legends Team.