SWG Legends news // Account Security Updates

To help strengthen account security AND prevent unauthorized account access, we are going to start requiring account holders to change their passwords every 180 days - with 365 days having to pass before the same password can be used.
We recommend (at a minimum) that you use at least 12 characters, and it should contain at least one capital, one lowercase, one special character, and one number. We would also recommend that you stay away from using common words, phrases, etc...
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is offered through the forums, but please be aware that if you sign up for 2FA, the SWG:Legends Staff may lose the ability to recover your account. This option can be found by clicking on SETTINGS in the forums, and then choosing Two-Factor Authentication from there. As a note, you can also change your email address and your password in the same menu.
We also suggest that if you play on any other SWG Emulator Servers, you change the passwords on their systems and not use the same login information across multiple servers.
You can review our Account Policies HERE , and you can review our previous postings about Account Security HERE.
May the force be with you,